Majority judgment
Majority Judgment is a new voting system, created by two research directors at CNRS, Rida Laraki and Michel Balinski.
The voter vote by evaluating each candidate, using a scale of values (for example: Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, Insufficient, To reject). The candidat the best evaluated by a majority wins the election.
To this day, majority judgment is the voting system that measures the most faithfully the opinion, while putting an end to everything that prevents the voiter to express him/her-self: useful voting, default voting and blank voting.

Scientific foundations
Reference works in French
Reference works in English
Scientific contributions about majority judgment
Book in English
Majority Judgment
Measuring, Ranking and ElectingMichel Balinski and Rida Lariki
Majority Judgment is based on mathematical theory, published in 2007 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and later in a book publisehd by MIT Press in 2011.
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For you, we have created a free and simple application that allows you to organize a vote with Majority Judgment.