Better Vote is an association created in January 2018, with hundreds members around France and the world. Access to the status.
Why we exist: to improve elections. Our voting systems are archaic and wrongly measure the opinion. For 200 years, science has achieved significant improvements, and has proposed more democratic voting systems, which must be tested and adopted, such as majority judgment.
Through advocacy actions and mobilization campaigns, Better Vote acts to make majority judgment known to as many people as possible and accompanies public authorities, companies, associations and individuals in its use.

The executive committee

Coline Serra

Murielle Reinhardt

Théo Sabattié

Victoria Mure-Ravaud

Clémence Arnautou-Pagès
The board of directors

Anne-Lise Bance

David Chavalarias

Rida Laraki

Solenn Briodin

Jessy Micout

Maxime Ollivier